07 April 2010

Ode to Lilacs

I love lilacs. Ever since my trip to Ukraine in May 1995 where they were prolific, I have loved lilacs. They don't seem to grow as well here as they do in central-eastern Europe, why is that? As I turned the last corner towards home on my evening walk I came across a lilac bush in bloom! My heart leaped with joy and a giant grin spread across my face! I cupped my hands around head after head, shoving my face into them, inhaling deeply. What a glorious, yummy scent. I was reluctant to leave the corner. Deciding to play by Czech rules, that anything growing into public areas is fair play, I broke off a branch that clearly went past the fence and was protruding into the sidewalk area, and quickly hurried past the house towards home delighted with my contraband flowers.

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