18 July 2013

My Top Paleo Resources

I am by no means well-versed in "paleo-ese" but I'm learning.
It has been suggested that I list some of my top sources for learning this new language and lifestyle, so here it goes...

For the BIG picture and all the ins & outs...
Robb Wolf @ http://robbwolf.com - The Paleo Solution
Loren Cordain @ http://thepaleodiet.com - The Paleo Diet (Revised)
Both of these guys tend to go in-depth with the science, which I geek out about. If you want a more user-friendly introduction to paleo, check out these resources:
Dallas & Melissa Hartwig @ http://whole9life.com - It Starts With Food
Jason Seib @ http://everydaypaleo.com - The Paleo Coach

If you only buy one book - get "The Paleo Coach" by Jason Seib. It has more than enough information to get started, and if you want to dig into more science later, there is time for that. But get the basics, and most importantly, get the mindset right from the start, by reading Jason's book. He rocks. To be honest, I do train at his gym, but I made that decision because I read his book first; I wanted to train with awesomeness.

He offers nutrition seminars about once a month at the gym which are free and open to the public, the next one is Sunday, July 21st at 10am. I am going, if you'd like to join me.

There is paleo, and then there is auto-immune paleo protocol (AIP) which I try to follow, sorta. If you have any sort of auto-immune issue - Crohn's, Rheumatoid, Hashimoto's, lupus, Celiac, rosecea, lichen planus, eczema,  etc. - chances are you'd see great improvement with just the paleo diet, but if you want to take it a step further to really get your immune system back inline, which I do (or I say I do, but actions speak louder, hmm...), here are some of the better resources I have found, although the ones mentioned above all have a section on auto-immunity as well.

Diane Sanfillippo @ Balanced Bites - Practical Paleo
Sarah Ballantyne @ The Paleo Mom - The Paleo Approach
Both of these gals have podcasts with a partner in crime which can be educational and entertaining (and very girl centric - sorry dudes!).
Mickey Trescott a@ http://autoimmune-paleo.com/ has a great cookbook just for AIP.
A couple other AIP blogs...

Just like there are different 'twists' on paleo, and what it is or is not, and what is "allowable" - the same is true for AIP, although for the most part all of the above resources agree on the major components. Consider this fair warning that there is no one set, agreed upon, official, protocol.

If you are wanting to have me over for dinner, and wondering "What the 'blank-ity-blank-blank' can I cook for you?" there are lots of resources for recipes online. Some are easier to adapt to AIP,  but if you're cooking for me, and it's at least paleo - I won't even care. (Just remember my extremely bad reaction to mushrooms, bananas, and eggs and we're golden.)
http://civilizedcavemancooking.com/ A good looking single dude who cooks paleo - curse the age gap...

For more info, resources, and recipes...
If you are friends with me on Facebook - I have an interest list called "Paleo Highlights" which is a feed of all the paleo related people/companies that I follow. On Twitter, I have a tweet list from paleo-files. And my obsession, Pinterest, has a "Pay-lee-O" board.

And some other not-quite-paleo resources that are great places of information...

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